
Simple Truths Volume 3 - The Traffic Misconception

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Simple Truths Volume 3 - The Traffic Misconception

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How Do Affiliate Marketers Ensure They Attract The Right Kind Of Traffic To Build A Profitable Online Business?

A quick message from Garry Lynn Baker...

This is a simple report that dives into the what and why of traffic...

Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business, without it you are done before you even started...

I've tested a few traffic sources along my journey and this is me sharing with you so you can shortcut the pain and get down to business!

So, keep reading to discover my insider secrets that will be revealed to you when you grab your copy...

Building a Successful Profitable Online  Business: The Role of Traffic

Traffic is the audience that an affiliate marketer promotes products or services to in order to make money online. 

It's not just about having a lot of traffic, but also about having the right kind of traffic, meaning people who are interested in the products or services being promoted. 

By understanding the target audience and finding ways to reach them, an affiliate marketer can increase their chances of making sales and eventually selling their own products to the same audience. 

There are two types of traffic: free and paid, both of which come with costs. 

It's important to understand these differences and how to effectively implement a traffic strategy in order to build a profitable online business.

Why having the right kind of traffic matters

Having the right kind of traffic is crucial for the success of any online business, and this is especially true for affiliate marketers. 

When you have the right kind of traffic, you are reaching people who are interested in the products or services you are promoting. 

This means that they are more likely to make a purchase, which in turn increases your chances of making a sale and growing your business. 

On the other hand, if you are attracting the wrong kind of traffic, you may find that your efforts are not yielding the results you want. 

This is because people who are not interested in what you have to offer are less likely to make a purchase. 

By focusing on attracting the right kind of traffic, you can maximize your chances of success and build a profitable online business.

The essential elements of a profitable traffic strategy

Don't worry it's really not your fault - most folks have no idea what they should be looking for when it comes to a "good" traffic source... 

And that's because they're using the same tired and worn out theories on untested or untried strategies that everyone else is telling them about, whether they realize it or not...

That ends here today!

Let Me Ask You This:
What Is Your CURRENT Traffic Strategy?

Maybe you made a few posts on social media, or started a blog or thought about a YouTube channel?

Then if you hear about the "new method" that is crushing it and you jump ship for the new hot traffic source in exactly the same way that everyone else does?

All You Need To Do Is Make A Few Small Changes To The Way You Think About Traffic (Even If You Haven't Had Any Luck Yet!) To See Results

You just need to make a few, small fundamental changes to how you look at traffic, what it really is and what it means to your online business!

And because pretty much everyone else out there is playing by the 'old rules', you'll find you suddenly have a natural advantage.

So Let's Address A Few Things ... That You and Me Need to Clear Up Together!

Q. Did you know that traffic is the key to building a profitable online business as an affiliate marketer?

A. Traffic is the driving force behind any successful online business, but do you know how to effectively target and monetize the right audience for your products or services...

Q. Do you realize that it's not just about having a lot of traffic, but also about having the right kind of traffic - people who are interested in the products or services you are promoting?

A. It's not just about having a lot of traffic, but also about having the right kind of traffic. But how do you go about identifying and reaching your target audience...

Q. Did you know that market research and tracking data can help you understand your target audience and their needs and interests?

A. Understanding your target audience is crucial for success, but how do you go about gathering the necessary data and conducting market research to do so...

Q. Do you realize that there are various marketing techniques, such as search engine optimization, paid advertising, and email marketing, that can be used to reach and promote products or services to your target audience?

A. There are various marketing techniques that can be used to reach and promote products or services to your target audience, but which ones are most effective and how do you implement them...

Q. Did you know that a well-planned and executed marketing strategy is essential for converting the right traffic into buyers and generating commissions through affiliate marketing efforts?

A. A well-planned and executed marketing strategy is essential for converting the right traffic into buyers and generating commissions, but how do you go about developing and implementing one...

Q. Do you realize that creating content can help you understand how traffic really works and attract the right kind of traffic to your website or online platform?

A. Creating content can help you understand how traffic really works and attract the right kind of traffic to your website or online platform, but where do you start and what types of content are most effective...

Introducing... What Traffic Is & How Traffic Works, With Real Examples of Traffic Sources I've Tried ... "Simple Truths Volume 3 - The Traffic Misconception"

Here Are Just Some of the Things You'll Discover

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary. (Page 3)

A “profitable online business” clearly defined (Page 5)

Discover 2 popular books that I need you to ignore .. for now (Page 7)

See what I believe to be the ultimate definition of marketing, that once you read it you will never not have a clear "picture" of what marketing is and the 3 parts that make it work! (Page 8)

Discover a working definition for TRAFFIC, that allows you to lay the foundations of a profitable online business.  (Page 9)

The only 2 options you have for TRAFFIC and the thing you must understand and have no misconceptions about... (Page 11)

The key to generate commissions through your affiliate marketing efforts. (Page 13)

Avoid this BIG misconception by making sure it's clearly defined  (Page 14)

EXACTLY how I did the above (Page 15)

Narrow down which methods may be worth testing for your own business (Page 17)

See the site that is not on the Top 10 of “Most Visited Websites” .. but still gets a massive amount of traffic, that you can tap into (Page 22)

Also how the above is LOVED by Google (Page 23)

See the traffic source I recommend everyone start with(Page 24)

A real example of how I used the traffic source above to build money making online business in 1 year (Page 25)

My experience with a "misunderstood" traffic source and while I don't think you should totally ban it from your traffic toolbelt (Page 27 & 28)

I show you a real example and also provide you a link to case study that shows you the exact product I sold and the page I used to sell it  (Page 30)

The ONE thing that you must have in place for the two big paid traffic sources to be profitable for you (Page 32)

A Traffic Source I’ve Never Tried But Sounds Really Cool! (Page 33) 

I give you action items will serve as a roadmap, guiding you towards the prosperity and abundance that awaits you (Page 38)

And more that will be delivered directly to you...

What Exactly Do You Get?

You get this no-fluff 47-page PDF publication that gives you a clear definition and examples of what traffic is and how it works you'll see my most effective traffic strategies I've used and one that I haven't used myself but I think is a super cool idea...

...and I got it the traffic idea from a guy I trust.

You can start using these traffic strategies immediately, whether you are already using them or not!

Put in a little work and you'll see an increase in traffic or if you have no existing traffic, and if you are struggling with affiliate marketing, or selling your own products ... when you start using these strategies you should get more trafficright out of the gate.

You get simplicity - All these strategies are workable regardless of what level you're at, and they can be immensely profitable too!

You get actual examples too - This isn't just theory.

I've been using these for all the years I've been online and have used them as affiliate marketer and to sell my own products because of this clear understand I have of traffic and how and where to get it .. and again, I'll show you examples.

Why Am I Making This Available?

Quite simply because when I write it down I understand it better and I see the gaps that I need to fill and the potential to grow my current traffic, and I want to make these strategies available to my readers (and this is ONLY going out to my readers, there is no white label option for this one!)

And a simple attempt to give something back, as always.

Is It Finally Time To Start Changing Things For Yourself?

Here's the deal...

I fully believe that seeing what I've done and hearing my explanation of traffic is the fastest and easiest way for anyone to start a profitable online business...

You're not going to go from 0 to 10K a month overnight, but this is something where in my opinion you can see results faster than if you didn't get a copy!

I can't guarantee you'll succeed with these strategies because I can't make you do the work that's required - I'm not in charge of you and what action you might or might not take - but I do promise you that by the end of this report you WILL have something concrete to act on, if you choose...

I can gift that to you ... starting in a soon as 3 minutes or less if you wish...

The choice is yours!

See you on the inside...

I want this!

You get this no-fluff 47-page PDF publication that gives you a clear definition and examples of what traffic is and how it works you'll see my most effective traffic strategies I've used and one that I haven't used myself but I think is a super cool idea...

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